Clinical psychologists and psychotherapy: status and legal requirements

Since September 1, 2016, with their inclusion in the coordinated law of May 10, 2015 on the practice of healthcare professions, clinical psychologists have been recognized as practitioners of a healthcare profession.
Thus, to be a clinical psychologist, it is not enough to be registered with the Commission des Psychologues (in order to use the title). It is also necessary to meet the legal requirements for practicing a healthcare profession, including being in possession of a visa and certification.
On this page, we explain the steps you need to take to practice clinical psychology and/or psychotherapy. If you have any specific questions, we recommend that you contact SPF Santé Publique, the competent federal body.
What is clinical psychology?
Clinical psychology, or at least the practice of clinical psychology, is now defined in law as:
«The habitual performance of autonomous acts having as their object, or presented as having as their object, with respect to a human being, within a scientifically supported frame of reference of clinical psychology, the prevention, examination, screening or establishment of the psychodiagnosis of psychic or psychosomatic suffering, real or supposed, as well as the care or support of that person.»

Documents required to practise clinical psychology
A clinical psychologist needs three main documents to practice:
1. Registration with the Commission des Psychologues
- Enables you to use the protected title of psychologist (or clinical psychologist).
- Registration must be renewed every calendar year.
2. The visa
- This is an authorization issued by SPF Santé Publique, allowing the practice of a regulated healthcare profession.
- The visa is obtained on the basis of the diploma.
3. Approval
- It certifies that the psychologist has the “knowledge and skills” required to practice clinical psychology.
- This approval is issued by the Communities:
- Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles pour les dossiers francophones.
- Communauté germanophone pour les dossiers germanophones.
- Department Zorg pour les dossiers néerlandophones.

Important note: An internship will soon be mandatory to obtain certification. In this case, however, you'll need to be in possession of your VISA and Commission registration. After all, you'll already be a psychologist and a healthcare professiona!
These visa and approval procedures are carried out only once, and the documents are valid for life, except in the event of withdrawal (temporary or permanent) by the SPF Santé Publique.
Consequences of non-compliance with obligations
Practicing clinical psychology without these documents is tantamount to the illegal practice of a health care profession.
What's more, presenting oneself as a psychologist (clinician) without being registered with the Commission des Psychologues is an abuse of title, punishable by sanctions.
What are the implications for clinical psychologists?
As a health-care professional, a clinical psychologist must comply not only with the Code of Ethics for Psychologists, but also with the laws applicable to health-care professionals.
The two main texts are :
- The law on patients' rights.
- The law on quality of care.
We will devote a special page to these texts.
Psychotherapy: legal framework
Psychotherapy is defined as:
« A form of health care treatment logically and systematically using a coherent set of psychological means (interventions) anchored in a psychological and scientific frame of reference, requiring interdisciplinary collaboration »
This form of treatment can be provided by clinical psychologists, orthopedagogues and physicians.
It can be used:
« Within a psychotherapist-patient relationship, with the aim of eliminating or alleviating psychological difficulties, conflicts and disorders from which the patient suffers. »

Conditions for practicing psychotherapy
To practice psychotherapy, the practitioner must:
- Certified as a clinical psychologist
- Completion of specific training in psychotherapy at a university or college, representing a minimum of 70 ECTS credits.
- Completion of at least two years of full-time (or equivalent part-time) professional training in psychotherapy.
Exceptions: For those who were already practicing psychotherapy before 2016, specific rules apply. More information is available on the SPF Santé Publique website.

To sum up
Practicing as a clinical psychologist or psychotherapist involves meeting strict legal obligations, guaranteeing the quality and safety of care. Make sure you meet these requirements, so you can practice your profession in full compliance.